måndag 28 juni 2010

Allis med Is

Det här är en barn-/ungdomsbok. Huvudpersonen, Allis med is, är en flicka på 10 år. Hon har mist sin bästa vän, Ann, på grund av en trafikolycka, och bor hos sin mormor och morfar eftersom hennes föräldrar tvingats jobba på en färja på grund av konkurs.

Allis vill inte ha någon annan vän än Ann. I den nya skolan vägrar hon ta kontakt med de andra i klassen. Hon vill helst vara för sig själva. Hon blir en "flyttfågel", en som inte hör hemma där. Hennes bänkkamrat är Sigge, en kille som också är ny i klassen.

Sigge räddar en fågel som flugit mot ett fönster, han gömmer fågeln i sitt skåp tills det inte fungerar mer, den hittas. Allis ställer upp och hjälper fågeln. Men hon vill inte vara vän med Sigge, hon gör det endast för fågelns skull.

Kan Sigge och fågeln smälta isen i Allis hjärta?

Jag gillar boken, den är....läsvärd även fast jag är vuxen. Jag skulle rekommendera den till barn mellan 10-13 år, men som sagt, jag tyckte den var ok att läsa. Minns att jag såg filmen som barn, men jag minns bara vissa delar av den. Det var kul att läsa den så minnet friskades upp :)

Boken innehåller humor, den är inte tung eller så fast hennes bästa vän har dött. Det behandlas inte som sådant utan det är bara en orsak till att hon är som hon är. Små glimtar minns hon om själva olyckan, men annars kommer den inte på tal. Lättläst, med korta kapitel. Nåja, sådant är ju förstås relativt, medellånga kapitel :)

lördag 19 juni 2010

Carpe Jugulum

This novel is in english, therefore the review will also be in english.

Terry Prattchett is an author that I have had recommended to me for the last 12 years. He is a fantasy writer, so therefore I have been sceptical. I've red Vi far, Vi flyr, Vi flyger (in Sweedish, therefore the sweedish names), they are childrens books, and I really liked them! But even though I knew I liked them I didn't read more of Terry Pratchett. I don't know why. Maybe because I find I don't like fantacy that much, even though that is not true. I like fantasy. Or, I have nothing against it....oh well.

Anyway, I saw this book at my sisters bookcase and figured it's time to read a Terry Pratchett. It's in english, wich worried me, because even though I feel my english is quite good, I don't know if it's good enough to read an english book! And even more, a fantasy book in english! There could be words I don't understand, and then turn out to be fantasywords!

I didn't have to worry! I didn't unerstand every single word, but I got the whole picture anyway and I got the jokes :) The jokes are the ones that really ot my loving this book :) The way he describes vampires for once, I have no attention of having it quoted here, even though I often have quotes. I jusdt don't know what quote to use :) There are so many!

The story. Okay, it is a discworld novell. The people in the discworld believe that the world is flat, flouting through space on the back of an giant turtle who is carried by 4 elephants, well I can't find the description in the book, because I didn't mark it, So if it's wrong correct me!
This is however the first novell whit vampires.
Vampires can't get in enywhere where thay aren't invited, everybody knows that. But the king invites a vampire family to a namegivingceremony. And the vampires decides to stay, keeping everyone "hostage" by controlling the mind. Even witches can't resist the vampires, other than Agnes, who is really in two minds of everything.
Agnes, Magrat (who is trying to combine witchcraft and nappies), Nanny Ogg and Granny Wetherwax (who is big trouble) toghether with priest Mightily Oats tries to kick some vampire butt.


Every qoute in this test has been taken fron the back of the book
This little silver tag had me in some big trouble! I was on board a ferry and making some shopping while I went through security alarms they started to beep. I was like "what?" Went back and let them go through my stuff, I knew I had nothing new in my bagg, nothing that could set the alarm of. Then one of the staffmembers found this book with the silver tag, took it through security alarms and it started to beep! They got the alarm off it, so I could go in and out of the taxfree without setting the alarm of. I peeled it of later anyway! :)