lördag 21 mars 2015

White Fang

This is not the cover of the book I red. This is a picture I found on the internet. The book I red was an e-book. I found an app on my phone where I could download some books in e-format. This is the second e-book I have red, but the first one I have finished. For those who are curious the first one got erased from my phone and I didn't have it replaced. Anyway.

Reading from my phone is a different experience for me. I do not know if I find it bad, but I definitely do not find it good. The only good that comes from having a book in a phone is that it is always with me, I could sit down and read at any time I felt like it, on my coffee break, on the ferry...where ever. 

Having it on my phone was still a obstacle when it came to reading at home. At home I had real books I could read, so I left this one on the side.

Even so, I think this book is fantastic! I have seen the movie, and I love it. Even so, the movie and the book are very different. The movie is from the human perspective, while the book is from the wolf-dogs perspective. There are a few times in the book where we actually follow the human perspective, but mostly we follow the protagonist, white fang. 

In the beginning of the book white fang is not born. We follow the wolf-pack that his mother, Kishe, is following. His mother is half dog half wolf.

We meet white fang in the cave that he is born. We get to follow how he sees the light from the outside, how he doesn't understand there is an outside, only there is a light, and he is drawn to the light. We follow him when he learns to understand how to hunt, and what to hunt.

When he is first introduced to humans it is when he finds Indians. They happen to know Kishe and when one of the men calls her name and gives here a command, she still listen. They are both taken back to the Indian camp. 

White fang sees humans as Gods. He is a fast learner, and he learns the rules of the Gods. He is also picked on by the other dogs, his life with the Indians are not easy.

In his life it will take long before he learns love. Love comes to him after being saved from being a fighting dog. The God that saved him showed him love and care, and in return he got all of White Fangs trust. This God becomes the Love master, and White Fang will do anything to protect him and everything that is considered his.

I really love this book! It is so much different from the movie that I have known since I was a child. I have watched it over and over again. But this book is giving me another perspective, and it is really interesting to follow. If it would not be for the fact that I chose it in e-format I would have red this straight through without any break. I truly recommend it!